Halloween is right around the corner, but that doesn’t mean Anchorage is limited to trick-or-treating. Dozens of organizations and festivals will be going on around the Halloween time, so if you’re looking to get in the holiday spirit and celebrate, consider one of these local events:

1. Story Time with Indoor Trick-or-Treat Party
- Date & Time: Thursday, October 31, 2013 at 6:30 PM
- Location: Alaska Center For The Performing Arts: Atwood Concert Hall (Anchorage, AK)
- Price: $11 – $27
- Age: Kids and up
This joyful event includes the Pushcart Players and they create the perfect, “first time at the theatre experience.” Be ready to sing because this journey is complete with sing-a-long songs! It includes a wonderful collection of tales that are classic, such as Little Red Riding Hood, The Princess and the Pea, and Hans Christian Anderson’s All’s Well That Ends Well. They have spectacular, innovative settings that are a must-see. It is presented by Alaska Junior Theater.
2. Fright Night 2013 Haunted House Over 10,000 SQ Feet
- Date & Time: Friday, October 11-November 2 at 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
- Location: 3-D Fright Night Haunted House 2013 Northway Mall (Anchorage, AK)
- Price: $10 and 3-D is $15
- Age: Kids and up
The Fright Night Haunted House is 3-D and includes scary rooms, such as the Doll House, Pirate Gallery, Elm Street, CSI Room, Clown Room and the scariest of them all, Chainsaw Alley. Visit there on any of its open days and receive a scare!
3. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
- Date & Time: Saturday, October 26 at 7:00 PM
- Location: Alaska Center For The Performing Arts (Anchorage, AK)
- Price: $20
- Age: Kids and up
Wear a favorite costume and bring your family to this elegant, Halloween ballet. The choreography is both stunning and entertaining. Also at the show will be the adventures of Young Neenan, the Wartwillies, mama dragon the cutest baby dragon and more.
4. Bird TLC’s Owl-o-Ween
- Date & Time: Saturday, October 26 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
- Location: Alaska Heritage Museum at Wells Fargo (Anchorage, AK)
- Price: Free
- Age: All Ages
Come enjoy owls celebrating Halloween with Bird TLC and its Parliament of Live Owls. You will learn how ghost stories began and why owls are a witch’s best friend. Don’t forget to wear a costume and bring your best owl-hooting voice for the costume and hooting contests at 4 PM.
5. Davy Jones’ Haunted Halloween Cruise, Presented by TBA Theatre
- Date & Time: Saturday, October 26 from 3:00PM to 4:00PM
- Location: Grant Hall (Anchorage, AK)
- Price: $10 General, $8 for Students/Seniors/Military, $5 for kids 12 & under
- Age: Kids and up
This enchanting musical is perfect for the entire family. It is about a zombie pirate and a vampires trying to get a witch to fly over the moon in order for Halloween to start. If the zombies are unsuccessful, there won’t be trick-or-treating for any kids!
6. Halloween Nature Walk- Jr. Naturalist Program (K-6th)
- Date & Time: Monday, October 28 at 2:00 PM
- Location: Eagle River Nature Center (Anchorage, AK)
- Price: $5 parking for non-members
- Age: Kids
Bring the kids and enjoy a fun, Halloween-themed nature walk with various educational Halloween stations along the Rodak Nature Trail. Costumes are more than welcome. It is free but donations are appreciated.
7. Rage City Rollergirls: Halloween Bout
- Date & Time: Saturday, October 26 at 6:00PM
- Location: Sports Pavilion (Anchorage, AK)
- Price:$5 – $12
- Age: All ages
Come join the season 6 opener of the Rage City Rollergirls, Halloween style. The Rage City Rollergirls is a group of girls on roller skates, it is very entertaining.
Experiencing Halloween in Anchorage, AK
With plenty of activities going on throughout Anchorage, you’ll be sure to have a splendidly spooky Halloween. If you’re looking for a new home this Halloween, be sure to search our current available listings: