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Prep Your Home for Winter

Hello fall in Alaska! It’s brisk and the wind has a chill to it that isn’t always welcome. The leaves are falling.  The rain coats are out in full force. There’s even some termination dust (aka snow) on the peaks of the mountains surrounding Anchorage and the Valley. And for the fall die-hards, Starbucks has started promoting their fall time special, the PSL (for those of you not in the know, that’s Pumpkin Spice Latte and it is a worldwide phenomenon.)

All kidding aside, as homeowners, fall brings an entire list of to-do’s before the winter really sets in and all you can do in your spare time is sit around the fire with St. Nick sipping cocoa. Marshmallows are mandatory. Here are the top tips that RMG Real Estate Experts recommends to button up your home before the snow swirls and your oversight on some preventative action items that weren’t done become middle of the night emergencies (side note: why do 99% of home emergencies always happen between the hours of 11 pm and 6 am?!)

So, in order to have an extra awesome winter, check out these tips!

  1. Have your heating system inspected. Call a local heating company and, for a minimal price, you can have a technician come and check out your system to prevent any surprises. And remember, if you are going out for the day to work or when you are turning in for bed, turn the heat down before you leave and before you go to sleep so you can save money! (For a recommended company to use for a heating system inspection, call us at (907) 562-INFO.)
  2. Scope out your roof shingles…whether you go up on the roof before it gets icy or whether you just get the binoculars and do an intense scan, just do something. Trust us, it is NO fun realizing the shingles needs to be repaired halfway through winter.
  3. Clean the gutters (or ask your 15-year-old nephew to clean the gutters.) We don’t want to have any unfortunate backup when the snow starts melting and those lovely parking lot ice rinks form when it’s still freezing.
  4. UNHOOK YOUR GARDEN HOSE. That’s right people. And all insurance agents around the world thank you for going out and doing this easiest home winterization task. Now. As Nike says, Just Do It.

These are just a few of the things we recommend. Of course, there are more, but that just comes with general home maintenance. For a more comprehensive list, check out this article:

And always, if you have anyone that needs to buy, sell, or invest in residential or commercial real estate, give us a call! Or pass our number along. #907-562-INFO.

Enjoy your daily PSL.

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